Cameron Banks
YouthBuild Food Safety Manager Certificate
When Cameron graduated from Mac Arthur High School in Decatur, like many teenagers, his thoughts were on having more time to relax, and play video games with his friends. He helped out around the house, and even cooked meals with his mother. But he didn’t have a plan for his future. That was before Homework Hangout Club.
“I didn’t know anything about Homework Hangout,” Cameron admits. “My mom wanted me to get some job training, so I thought I would be working here. I didn’t think I would also be learning the skills I can use to start my career.”
When Cameron enrolled in the YouthBuild program, he chose the food service tract. It turned out to be one of the best decisions he could have made. Working with professionally trained cook and instructor, Kimberly Dawson, he learned food storage and safety practices. Cameron observed as Kim prepared three hot meals each day for participants and staff in the many programs offered at Homework Hangout. Soon he was assisting her, helping to prepare and serve meals. He admits he can now share some of his new skills with his mother.
“Since coming to Homework Hangout I have opened up more. I didn’t talk much at first, but now I ask questions and it helps me to learn more. I would say I am more confident and talkative.”
In this season of thankfulness Cameron shared these thoughts. “I am thankful for the great staff of people I work with, and I’m really thankful that I earned my Food Safety Manager Certificate. I can be a manager. I feel proud and happy to see my hard work and studying paid off.”
Looking ahead, Cameron wants to become self-sufficient. “I can see myself owning a home and cooking in a nice sit-down restaurant. I’m thinking about traveling and maybe even moving to Canada. We’ll see.”
“My advice to kids like me is to give this program a try. It can open a lot of doors and help you see there is so much more you can do with your life.”